Hope and Care - 18 May 2020
This information guide provides an overview of some of the resources available to support people who have been bereaved, with a focus on Covid-19 and other illness.

A checklist on what to do after a death, how to register a death, notify Government departments and manage financial issues can be found on the Age UK website here.
Government guidance has been developed to ensure that:
• Those who have died as a result of Covid-19 are treated with sensitivity, dignity and respect
• Bereaved people and those who work in services that care for the deceased are protected from infection
Information on arranging a funeral can be found here. According to this guidance from Age UK, think about the following before contacting a funeral director:
• Who you want to attend, being mindful of those in high-risk groups
• Arranging service sheets as service books are unlikely to be available
• Recording the eulogy on a phone or other recording device so those not in attendance can listen or watch at another time
• Services may need to be shorter so the venue can be cleaned between services
• Organising a celebration of life or memorial for a later date, when it is safe to do so
• Social distancing requirements
• Whether it is appropriate for family members to bear the coffin
The Inter Faith Network link here contains guidance from faith communities and community organisations on funeral rites and practices.
Support with bereavement and grief
Bereaved people may have to deal with increased trauma during this time and may be cut off from some of their usual support network. Those who are already struggling with bereavement, or whose relatives or friends die through other causes will also be affected. Support for anyone who has been bereaved:
o Age UK
o CRUSE have put together these resources for anyone who has lost a loved one through Covid.
Local contacts: email wokinghamsobs@gmail.com or call Hazel on 07545 897 781